Stainless steel and aluminum
Exterior: 10+ pieces on a 37 x 37 x 38 ft plaza, made of 3/8 inch water jet cut stainless steel. The tallest piece is 14 ft. INTERIOR: 8 water jet cut aluminum pieces hanging from a 36 ft diameter, two-story atrium. Commissioned by Liberty Mutual Insurance.

UPLIFT is a permanent, site-specific, indoor-outdoor sculpture made of waterjet cut stainless steel and aluminum, commissioned by Liberty Mutual Insurance for their new headquarters in Back Bay, Boston. This sweeping installation infuses the intersection of Columbus Avenue and Berkeley Street with light, movement and sparkle, a metaphorical bridge between Liberty Mutual and the surrounding community. The timeless abstract shapes composing UPLIFT suggest universally recognizable natural forms like clouds, birds, water, fire or flowers. Light and shadow constantly activate UPLIFT, as well as the atrium and plaza, creating new patterns and reflections throughout the day and night.

Click here to learn about the making of UPLIFT

Watch a video about the making of UPLIFT